Semarang               Karangpanas          Central-Java


                                                                                                                                                                                    April 30, 2011



Legend & Translation Guide (ground floor)


1. Women & children (1)

Appèlplaats = Roll call area

2. Women & children (2)

Aula = Recreation center / auditorium

3. Older men & boys

Binnenplaats = Courtyard

4. Older boys; kitchen teams (3)

Gedèk (omheining) = Woven bamboo fencing

5. Doctors & medical personnel

Goedangs = Storage rooms

6. Dispensary

Houtopslag = Wood pile

7. Children’s ward

Kamppoort = Camp entrance

8. Women’s ward

Kapel = Chapel

9. Doctor’s family

Keuken = Kitchen

10. Men’s ward, later women’s ward

Kookpotten = Cooking drums

11. Women & children (4)

Kraan = Faucet

12. Women & children (5)

Mortuarium = Mortuary

13. Isolation ward

Toko = Small canteen / distribution center (14)

14. Dutch camp leaders, toko

Voorraad = Supply room

15. Japanese camp commander

Wacht = Guard post

16. Toilets

Weg = Road

17. Bathrooms

Zieken Vleugel = Sick ward



(1) February 1944 to November 1944

(2) February 1944 to June 1944; then used to store supplies

(3) February 1944 to September 1944; then used as a sewing room (4-n)

(4) After June 1944, used for medical consultations and surgeries

(5) After August 1944, used by male doctors


                Upper floors: there were extra rooms (type 1) to the left and right of the courtyards




Source: W. R. van der Vlugt (2000)



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