Translation Guide
Atletiek, kastie, korfbal, enz. = Sports, ball games |
B = Bathrooms |
Badkamers = Bathrooms |
Balkon = Balcony |
Bedden met ananas = Pineapple beds |
Beek = Brook |
Binnengalerij = Interior gallery |
Doorgang = Passageway |
Emper = Veranda, breezeway |
Fabrieksterrein = Factory |
Galerij = Gallery |
Gang = Passageway |
Gaarkeuken = Central kitchen |
Gedek = Woven bamboo fencing |
Gras = Grass |
Grasveld en palen met waslijnen = Lawn with poles
& clotheslines |
Gudang = Shed, storage room |
Kippenhokken = Henhouses |
Oud Wachthuisje = Old guardhouse |
Overdekte doorgang = Covered passageway |
Pasar (op ’t laatst) = Marketplace (final period) |
Overdekte plaats = Covered facility |
Pisangbomen = Banana trees |
Politiepost = Police Station |
Prieel = Arbor |
“Sans Souci” = Name given to main residence |
Slootje voor afvoer badwater = Bathwater drainage |
Stenen muur tussen pilaren, prikkeldraad bovenop = Brick wall between pillars, with barbed wire on top |
Tuintjes = Gardens |
Ver- & Hoogspringen = Long & high jumps |
Vijver = Pond |
Voliere’s, stallen = Aviaries, stables |
Waringin = Banyan tree |
Wasplaats = Laundry area |
Waterput = Well |
WC = Toilets (water closet) |
Zandbak = Sandbox |
Zuurzak = Soursop trees |
Source: Atlas Japanse Kampen, Volume 1, p. 164 (J.A.J.Aerts
and W.A. van Bodegom)