Ambarawa              Ambarawa 8          Central-Java


                                                                                                                                                                                    May 2, 2011



Legend & Translation Guide


 1. Water towers

28. Passageway to adjacent buildings

 2. Bathrooms

29. Ward for the insane

 3. Toilets

30. Stage

 4. Dormitories for medical personnel

31. Rice milling

 5. Boys’ dormitories

32. Invalid men’s quarters

 6. Brothers’ quarters

33. Provost’s quarters

 7. Father Diderich’s quarters

34. Infirmary for the injured

 8. Nuns’ quarters

35. Small kitchen for 32

 9. Dormitory for the mentally handicapped

36. Dormitory for able-bodied men

10. Carpentry hall

37. Jewish dormitory

11. Yeast kitchen

38. Food serving area

12. Chicken coop

Afwateringsgoot = Drainage ditch

13. Dutch camp leaders

← Goot = Gutter

14. Japanese Camp Commanders

Gymnastiekzaal = Gymnasium

15. Tsoejama’s quarters

Hal = Hall

16. Mess hall for the Japanese

Heiho = Native soldier under Japanese control

17. Special needs kitchen

Jongensziekenzaal = Boys’ infirmary

18. Nuns’ infirmary

Kantoren = Offices

19. Mortuary

Kapel = Chapel

20. Doctors’ quarters

Keukens = Kitchens

21. Toko (small, open-stall canteen)

* Kraan = Faucet

22. Main office

Mannenziekenzaal = Men’s infirmary

23. Dutch block leaders

Mannenslaapzaal = Men’s dormitory

24. Outpatient clinic

Polikliniek = Outpatient clinic

25. Dispensary

Poort = Entrance

26. Altar (closed off)

Tennisbaan = Tennis court

27. Fenced off area for the Japanese

Verblijven Heiho’s = Heihos’ quarters




Source: Joop Al – Ambarawa, Bandoengan en de Belg Refuge, 1994, p. 28



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