Ambarawa Ambarawa
8 Central-Java
Legend & Translation Guide
1. Water towers |
28. Passageway to adjacent buildings |
2. Bathrooms |
29. Ward for the insane |
3. Toilets |
30. Stage |
4. Dormitories for medical personnel |
31. Rice milling |
5. Boys’ dormitories |
32. Invalid men’s quarters |
6. Brothers’ quarters |
33. Provost’s quarters |
7. Father Diderich’s quarters |
34. Infirmary for the injured |
8. Nuns’ quarters |
35. Small kitchen for 32 |
9. Dormitory for the mentally handicapped |
36. Dormitory for able-bodied men |
10. Carpentry hall |
37. Jewish dormitory |
11. Yeast kitchen |
38. Food serving area |
12. Chicken coop |
Afwateringsgoot = Drainage
ditch |
13. Dutch camp
leaders |
← Goot = Gutter |
14. Japanese Camp Commanders |
Gymnastiekzaal = Gymnasium |
15. Tsoejama’s quarters |
Hal = Hall |
16. Mess hall for the Japanese |
Heiho = Native soldier
under Japanese control |
17. Special needs kitchen |
Jongensziekenzaal = Boys’
infirmary |
18. Nuns’ infirmary |
Kantoren = Offices |
19. Mortuary |
Kapel = Chapel |
20. Doctors’ quarters |
Keukens = Kitchens |
21. Toko (small, open-stall canteen) |
* Kraan = Faucet |
22. Main office |
Mannenziekenzaal = Men’s
infirmary |
23. Dutch block leaders |
Mannenslaapzaal = Men’s
dormitory |
24. Outpatient clinic |
Polikliniek = Outpatient clinic |
25. Dispensary |
Poort = Entrance |
26. Altar (closed off) |
Tennisbaan = Tennis court |
27. Fenced off area for the Japanese |
Verblijven Heiho’s = Heihos’
quarters |
Source: Joop Al – Ambarawa, Bandoengan en de Belg Refuge, 1994, p. 28